We just love burgers!
Mafia Bite. Catchy right? Our aim was to establish a brand based on notorious mafia’s from around the world. This was done to draw attention and grab interest of potential customers. Who wouldn’t be curious to try a gourmet burger named Al Capone or forget a spicey burger named Escobar.
Our story began on the 1st of February 2020. Establishing ourselves as a quality burger joint and milkshake bar, we pride ourselves as a fast growing brand as our focus is on bringing the best.

It's what's on the inside that counts
Mafia Bite has a fun-filled atmosphere. We consider ourselves modern and strive to be ahead of the times. We do this by keeping active on social media platforms and using it to engage with our customers. We also utilise WhatsApp as a means of communication and ordering which has made it much easier to keep in touch with our, mainly young, customer base.
We currently have one store based in Maraisburg, west of Johannesburg and have recently opened a second in the heart of Norwood. With the brand steadily growing, we’re looking into expanding throughout the Gauteng region as well as establishing ourselves in major provinces. Cape Town & Durban peeps, watch this space!